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How Do You Get Seasonal Gear Diablo 3 UPDATED

How Do You Get Seasonal Gear Diablo 3


Seasonal Mega Guide (
diablo 3 ptr 272 %7C now live updated 1112 11 1 2021 - Seasonal Mega GuideSeason 25)

The Seasonal Mega Guide is your key for a fast and efficient flavour start. The guide is aimed generally at grouping play and focuses on some of the strategies and tactics that me & my group make use of at the outset of a new season. The leveling guide is still applicable for solo play, but is designed for use in a iv-homo group.

All the same, the Seasonal Mega Guide has come up a long way from being a elementary leveling guide and now contains about relevant information that you would want to know before the beginning of a new season.

Tabular array of contents

  • Flavor 25 Main Changes (Updated)
  • Notes on Haedrig'south Gifts (Updated)
  • Season 24 Meta Predictions
    • XP Meta Predictions
    • GR 150 Predictions
  • Naught to Hero Leveling Guide
  • Mail service 70 Progression
  • Builds and Resources.

Flavor 25 Principal Changes

  • New Season Theme: Soul Shards – 7 unique Soul Shards have been added to the game. View all the new soul shards here. Soul shards are twice as powerful as ethereals, season 25 is going to exist ridiculous.
  • Arachyr Changes: WD Arachyr buffed. The WD Arachyr set up has received a handful of changes alongside Corpse Spider items. Seems like a decent Rift Guardian Killer (RGK) build.
  • Shadow's Curtain & Marauder Buffs: Demon hunter significantly buffed both via the Shadow's Mantle ready and the Marauder'south set. The new marauder fix looks to be incredibly strong.
  • Firebirds nerf: Firebirds nerfed and so the 6-piece bonus tin can no longer be triggered by mirror images.
  • Rathma buff: Rathma has received a significant buff. Not much else to say here, the build plays the same merely the harm is much college.

Haedrig's Gift

As a new addition I will exist calculation my thoughts on each of the Headrig'southward Gift sets – seen from an early on season perspective. My focus volition be what sets can be used to gain the nearly powerful commencement of a new season the fatest.

  • Barbarian – Might of The Earth: Surprisingly powerful and fast set for the start of a season (first 10-20 hours). Might of The Globe tin easily speed pretty high GRs and comport other classes to their required sets / items. If you plan to start the flavour as a back up affront, this prepare is definitely worth picking up early on on.
  • Crusader – Thorns of The Invoker: Terrible starter set up honestly. The set up is very clunky and has very low AOE Damage making it super, super dull. The only upside to this ready is that it can be used to transition into the Akkhan bombardment Crusader which is arguably going to be ane of the strongest builds for season 25. I'd recommend not wasting Headrig'south Souvenir on Crusader and using the Legacy of Dreams precious stone early on on instead.
  • Demon Hunter – Shadow's Mantle: One of the accented all-time starting sets for flavour 25. The Shadow'southward Mantle fix gives extremely high multipliers requiring a minimal corporeality of gratuitous legendaries. Newly buffed, The Shadow'due south Drapery will be extremely powerful for the opening dart of flavour 25 and volition exist able to carry other classes through the first many GR'southward. Shadow'due south Mantle falls off later on about 300-500 paragon and at this signal I would simply swap to support DH for grouping play or the newly buffed marauder.
  • Monk – Monkey Male monarch'due south Garb (SWK): Extremely good starter gear up. SWK is incredible for T16 speed farming and low GR speeds. Monk remains every bit powerful as final flavour and a SWK build will be incredible for a fast season commencement before transitioning into the god-tier Inna's build. The build can be a footling catchy to gear up, but once it'southward going it is extremely fast.
  • Necromancer – Grace of Inarius: Probably ane of the worst sets in the game, cypher has changed since last flavor and this set remains utterly mediocre and underwhelming. I'd recommend non wasting Headrig'south Gift on necro and using the Legacy of Dreams jewel instead.
  • Witch Md – Jade Harvest: Tin exist a decently fast build for gaining early paragon levels. The inherent problem with WD builds in an early season scenario is the course' lack of easily obtainable defense force. Whereas other classes rely on set bonuses for defense force, almost all WD build's require the Lakumba + Sacred Harvester philharmonic for survivability making the build somewhat irksome at getting going.
  • Wizard – Firebird'south Finery: Nerfed for this season. It will still be a stiff set, but without the mirror images to proc the ready the build will exist unlike and less powerful… hopefully as well less frustrating to play.

Meta Predictions (Update coming soon)

Never earlier has the meta in Diablo 3 been as various equally it will be in Flavour 24. All classes have some seriously strong builds – both for solo and group content – and the abiding balancing from patch to patch is paying off.

All builds referred to in this guide will be listed at the bottom of the guide with links to

XP Farming Groups

Principal DPS Build Grouping limerick
Firebirds Wizard zXP Barb, zDH, 2 x Firebirds
Rat runs XP Barb, zNecro, 2 10 LoD Skeletal Mage
LoD WoL Monk zBarb, zDH / zMonk, 2 ten WoL Monk
GoD DH zBarb, zDh, 2 ten GOD DH

Note: Rankings based on personal opinion and observations fabricated on the PTR.

GR Push Groups

Trash Killer (TK) Rift Guardian Killer (RGK) Support 1 Support 2
Mundunugu Spirit Barrage WD Reverse Archon Firebirds Wiz zBarb zDH
LoD Poison Scythe Necro Innas Burn-ally Monk zBarb zDH
LoD WoL Monk (uncertain) AoV Heaven's Fury Crusader zBarb zDH

Note: Rankings based on personal opinion and observations made on the PTR

If you lot desire to know more most all the build rankings i advise you visit
tierlists - Seasonal Mega Guide – Here you tin can find solo rankings too, if you aren't all that interested in group content.

Although simply some classes are showcased in the above tables, all classes are rather powerful in season 24, and with the new leaderboards from flavor 23 you tin can compete with others regardless of playing the mos meta builds. Diablo 3 has never been this diverse, then dig in!

Flavour Launch: Zero to Hero Leveling Guide

This leveling guide is aimed at groups playing at season launch. That means the leveling guide is not the absolute fatest, merely it is the strategy I discover most efficient at season launch; both in terms of speed, easiness and taking into consideration the bumpy state of Diablo 3 servers that always occur at any flavor launch.

Notes on Soul Shards for Leveling

  • Level i Soul Shards drib pre 70, but Hell Forge Embers (the items y'all use to upgrade the Soul Shards) do not.
  • The level 1 Soul Shard grants a overnice collection of stats, but is otherwise underwhelming.
  • Level 2 and 3 Soul Shards are extremely powerful only are only obtainable mail service 70.

In other words, we cannot unleash the power of the Soul Shards in our 1-70 leveling and equally such the leveling process will be slower than last season. Therefore I practise non recommend target farming act bosses for Soul Shard drops early in the flavor.

Level 0:

  • Create seasonal character
  • Game mode > Claiming Rift > Kickoff game
  • Complete rift and return to Political party Screen (the one with the "start game" push button at the bottom)

Level 1:

  • Choose game mode > Run a risk Manner > Difficulty between normal and master
  • Equip templar weapon (and shield if possible)
  • Buy gear from boondocks vendors > equip whatever upgrades
  • Open claiming rift cache
    • 475 claret shards, four,6 one thousand thousand gold, 35 Expiry's Breath (DB), 100 veiled crystal, 300 reusable parts, 300 arcane Dust, 15 of each bounty fabric
  • Level Blacksmith and Mystic to max level
  • Gamble Bloodshards (see table below)
  • Arts and crafts level viii, sixteen, 21, 29 and 33 2h Axe (Crossbow for DH)
    • Transmog your crafted axes so y'all don't accidentally relieve them – make sure to use the cheapest transmog
    • Go on them in your inventory and equip them when possible


Blood shard gambeling recommendations

Blood Shard recommendations (lvl) = at what level to scroll the blood shards.
Barbaric (Affront) (lvl one) Bracers
Crusader (Cader) (lvl one) Shields / bracers
Demon Hunter (DH) (lvl 1) Bracers
Monk (lvl one) Boots / bracers
Necromancer (Nec) (lvl 1) Gloves / ring (risky)
Witch Doctor (WD) (lvl one) Mojo / (lvl 34) Vodoo Mask
Wizard (Wiz) (level 33) Sources or (level 28) Rings (risky)


Level 1 – xi:

  • Travel to act iii Ruins of Sescheron > maintain massacre bonus whilst progressing through the zone (you should be level ix by the time you enter the Elder Sanctum)
    • Complete cursed chest issue in the surface area right earlier The Tomb of King Kanai
  • Take the cube and return to town

Upgrading Rare item to legendary:

  • Craft a level 70 rare weapon of the type you lot wish to upgrade (run into image below) at the blacksmith
  • Open up Cube > Select the Hope of Cain recipe > Upgrade your rare level 70 item
  • Select the showtime cube Recipe "Archives of Tal Rasha" > Extract the legendary power from your upgraded weapon > slot the power into the cube


Level seventy rare Hope of Cain upgrade recommendations

Class Item(south) to whorl Chance of success
Demon Hunter 1h Dagger (not a take chances) Guaranteed multiplier
Necromancer 2h Scythe (non a gamble) Guaranteed multiplier
Crusader 2h Flail (risky) l% of multiplier (counting double bombardment)
Monk Fist weapon (very risky) 42% gamble of useful drop
Barbarian 2h Mighty weapon (proficient odds) 60% run a risk of useful drop or multiplier
Witch Doc Ceremonial Knife (risky) l% chance of useful drop
Wizard Wand (risky) 60% run a risk for useful drop


Level 11-40:

note: it is of import to modify the difficulty dynamically to maintain a good progression speed through the nephalem rifts

  • (Optional) Whenever you restart the game travel to Act 2 > Temple of the Starting time Built-in > look for the cursed chest in this zone – it will be located in a large rectangular room shortly later entering the zone
  • Enter nephalem rift at a suitable difficulty, normal small mobs should die in i-2 hits
  • Collect items, crafting materials and constantly await for upgrades
  • Check town vendor for "+impairment" rings and gear upgrades
  • Focus on speed – AoE impairment is best and the acme classes for early leveling are necro, affront and DH

Craft Level lxx Rare 2-handed weapon at the blacksmith

  • Craft a levle 70 2 handed axe.
    • Wait for an axe either "%adventure to ___" on the secondary stat
  • Re-coil the other secondary stat to "Reduced level requirement" go on any weapon with >24 reduced levels and proceed it in your stash or inventory until you can equip information technology.
  • With "reduced level requirement 30" you can equip this level 70 weapon at level xl

Level twoscore-70:

  • Equip your level 70 rare weapon with "reduced level requirement" once possible
  • Change the difficulty to Torment 4 or five
  • Go on to run Nephalem Rifts (keep the points from Level 11-40 in heed whilst doing so)
  • Lower the difficulty when needed
  • Welcome to level seventy!

Mail service 70 Progression (Update coming soon)

The 0-70 is only a small part of the race at season outset. Later hitting 70 the real Diablo iii content is just going to get faster, harder and more fun.

The first order of business is to complete the flavour journeying chapters until y'all are rewarded with the Haedrig'southward gift half dozen-piece gear up. Alternatively, if you are aiming for a LoD build you can slowly and steadily level your Legacy of Dreams legendary jewel.

From this point frontward you should be able to run T10+ content for more death's breath (DBs) and legendary drops.

Use the DBs via the Hope of Cain recipe to upgrade rare items of the type that grants your desired build the biggest multipliers. An case of this is to arts and crafts level 70 rare Diabos for the WoL Monk and upgrade them via the cube to gain an Incense Torch of The Chiliad Temple.

Once your graphic symbol is at a bespeak where GR 70 is achievable, get and grab your first guaranteed Primal detail (make sure to pray to RNGesus beforehand!).

At this phase of the game you should be effectually paragon 150-300 if you know what yous are doing. The adjacent milestone is to farm low level GRs and T16 rifts until you reach your desired build for efficient XP farming.

For flavour 24 my group volition be running 1 barb, i wiz, ane monk and ane DH. Our plan is to let the Affront and DH comport the Wiz and Monk with their Haedrig's Souvenir sets until the Wizard has nerveless the Firebirds Build and the monk has gear up the LoD WoL build – at which point the Barb and DH will bandy to support specs.

From there on out nosotros will be running Bird Bong speeds and subcontract as many paragon levels as nosotros tin. It's important to help eachother out in the group by dropping the items you don't demand, or that others need more than you.

All that is left is to get stuck in the grind until paragon 2000-ish, before slowly transitioning into pushing builds and practicing those 140+ GR runs. Adept luck!

Builds listed in this guide (Update coming before long)

Support Builds:

Paragon Farming Builds:

Trash Killer Builds:

Boss Killer Builds:

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How Do You Get Seasonal Gear Diablo 3 UPDATED

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